Monday, November 20, 2006


I was reintroduced to a concept the other day that things that active like prayer, meditation and journaling, going to services, whatever one's orientation doing prayer treatments, or spells, or rituals, and gathering with people to do these things, or just talk, or to do a pure intentioned service for others -- the community, a child, the environment -- is really an act that fine tunes your vibration, that raises it to a higher level.

I found it helpful to look at it liek this, as this is exactly what it does. I feel uplifted from doing things with other their presence, or energy, definitely brings mine way up. I think this is a common expereince -- haven't you felt that?
But I need to raise my energy and vibrate ata higher level. And there is not a ceiling for that. To get back to where I used to be would be a blessing, and increase the quality of my life and those around me greatly. But I want to keep doing practice, to keep in concious contact on a dailiy, minute by minute basis. It makes all the stuff that happens in my life new. Heaven conciousness is shed on all the mundane things, all the annoyances and incoveniences.

I'm sure Einstein would have something to say about all this...

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