Sunday, November 05, 2006


I got an e-mail that the Reverend Michael Beckwith, was going to be on Larry King Live on Nov 2, as part of a panel on positive thinking. I watched and found myself drinking in the topic. I just recieved another notice from Agape inviting those of us who saw it to utilize the opportunity to write Larry King Live to encourage more of this type of conversation. It was something I could do today (besides a massive load of recycling I dropped off this morning) to contribute to bettering the world, so I wrote this and hit send.

"RE: the show --Beyond Positive Thinking - Michael Beckwith and Friends

It was really great to see an entire hour on this topic and I'm writing to encourage a show as widely watched and respected as Larry King Live, and CNN in general, to do more content of this kind.

The world is in a tough place and by doing a show like this, which reaches so many households and corners of the world, the network has performed a huge act of public service.

To begin to send out this kind of message, which can be dwarfed by the horrible and defeating news of the day, is to give some balance back to all of us, who every day are struggling to deal with the very scary time we live in. Speaking for myself, who has given considerable amounts of my time, money, resources, voice and my vote and been left feeling like I'm not sure any of it is making a dent, such a show is inspiring and enervating.

I am a comparatively blessed American. I go to sleep in a warm, comfortable bed, behind a locked door, with dinner in my belly, well aware that more of my fellow man than I can conceive of have bombs going off overhead, are without rights or medical care or supplies, and risk rape, starvation or execution on a daily basis. Worldwide those of us who have any ability to do something about it all are feeling a collective sense of overwhelm conscience and doubt. I'm at a loss of how to deal with war, racial cleansing, corrupt politics, global warming, animal extinction, nuclear proliferation ... the list goes on and on. It's a critical time for the fire of the good in people to be stoked, as good begets good. And we are a globe sorely in need of the good you put out there Nov 2nd.

Do not underestimate the power of such an effort, to change an hour, a person, a country, our world.

Sincerely... "

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